Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cookie Day

David and Lauren came over today to make Christmas goodies...Earlier this morning I had a rather traumatic experience when I got my acrylic nail caught and ripped it off along with the real nail...I called Travis home from work to get my bandaged up..yes I was bleeding pretty good- and about to faint at that...I sucked up the pain and tears and finished getting ready for them to come over. Travis didn't go back to work, which I have no problem with! But I knew that with him home- my brother would no longer care about making Christmas treats with me! Lauren lasted about two batches of cookies- because we were using the super cool cookie cutter thing- it made the dough into all sorts of cool shapes...Anyway, this is what you get when you expect a 13 year old and a 5 year old to stay in the kitchen and cook! Excuse the messs...things are rearranged from having the Christmas tree's Saturday= cleaning day...and Travis started this built in shelf project and it's not complete! Notice my brother's feet on my CLEAN clothes waiting to be folded!!!

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