Saturday as I was coming home from getting last minute things done for the baby shower, I was listening to our David Phelps CD, if you've never heard him sing, you've got to check him out- his voice is incredible. Anyway, as I was getting closer to home a song came on that I have always liked, but never let the words sink in. This song must have been written for me. It's called
God is Going to Take Care of You. It's like every single word of that song was written for me and not meant to be understood until now. Although Travis lost his job, it is truly becoming the best thing that has ever happened to us. As devastated as I was when he called me last Tuesday morning and asked me to come get him and told me what had happened, it's all making sense now. Everyone told me that there were better things in store and that God was going to take care of everything. It's hard to believe that when you think about getting the bills paid and the thought of using our "Just in case something happens" funds- I was scared to death. It was all I could do to not fight back tears, to appear happy and to believe that everything was really going to be okay.
Halloween night, after visiting my princess sister and scary- masked-brother, we went to my Aunt and Uncle's house. My little cousin and sister were selling there Halloween candy for 5 cents a wonder why we didn't think of this as kids?...You all know Travis and he had to contribute to their out with the pocket change and in with the treats! My aunt told the girls to stop asking Travis for money because he had just lost his job and would be needing that money to pay the bills and buy groceries. Mind you, it was only the day after he lost his job. They went on asking other people. Then dissappeared. Soon they were back to Travis with a plastic bag. They handed it to him and it was all the money that had made plus some of their own money. They told him that they wanted him to be able to pay his bills and buy groceries. Oc course, Travis did not accept the money. But the next day, I got to thinking. Was this God's way of telling me that it was going to be okay? I believe that he used the precious love of children to show me that he was handling everything. It showed me that as a child of God, if I can fully rely on him, without a doubt, He will take care of everything. I now believe that COMPLETLY..
Last week, Travis began working for himself, and he has come across some really nice Contractor's and it appears that he is going to be doing better than we could have ever imagined. So many things were waiting for him. We just had to trust that everything was going to be okay. And it will be.
Here are the lyrics to the song by David Phelps....
You don’t say a word, but I know you’re so afraid
Trying hard to take a step of faith
You’re so confused and you’re so alone
Standing face to face with the unknown
Every need you have God already knows about it
Still He longs to hear from you
I believe if you put your trust in Him
That is where the road of faith begins
Cause if His eye is on the sparrow when it comes to me and you
There is no place He wont go
And nothing He wont do
Like a mother cradles a child
His grace covers us somehow
So whatever you go through
God will take care of you
Change is never easy; its just part of living
There’s so much more that we can see
A higher place so far above it all
Is ours when were faithful to His call
Cause if His eye is on the sparrow when it comes to me and you
There is no place He wont go
And nothing He wont do
Like a mother cradles a child
His grace covers us somehow
So whatever you go through
God will take care of you
We don’t know
we don’t have to understand
the how’s, the why’s, the when’s
Just give it all to Him