Monday, March 31, 2008


Travis and I have recently been starting jogging pretty much daily. After a couple of weeks of aching legs and feet, we decided that we needed to buy some good running shoes. I, being the queen of cheap, knew that I wasn't going to spend much on my shoes. I just wanted something more comfortable. Well, Travis decided to go and get these shoes himself. (probably so he wouldn't have to spend forever going store to store looking for the best deal.) He walks right in the store, studies his options and makes the purchase. And of course, what would new shoes be without brand new socks to go with them. So he gets his and mine- without my foot present- and the socks for both of us. So when I check the bank account to see how much he spent, I about fell out of my chair. $200.98. His response was "It's not that much."I would have never spent that on running shoes. But I bet my feet feel good this afternoon. Crazy boy!

Oh, and the shoes do fit!

1 comment:

Rachel Spence said...

At least he was thinking about ya Lea Ann. Interested to see if your feet feel better in those fancy shoes?? haha