Well, I got this piece of furniture from my Dad. It was my great grandmothers- Granny Ligon- Travis brought it home- not knowing exactly why I had to have it...See, I had this pathetic desk- the kind that you buy for like nothing- we got it for like $2 at CVS. Well- it was "pathetic" because I put it together myself- so the poles were completely crooked. It was hilarious. I will try to find a picture and post it later. We were using the desk to house our DVD player, DVR, and DVD's. It was bulky and very sloppy! Now we feel very organized...for now!
Anyway, Travis brought home the very-old-but-new-to-me-shelf and sanded it (because it had my sister Jessi's name carved all over it!!) and painted it black. It does have some dents and dings- but we both just LOVE it in our living room. I will put some better pictures on here later on- but for now- here are some to give you an idea. (They are very small because I took these with my cell phone)
As some of you know, we like to start projects and then we never finish them- this was like a 3 day project- that's it! Can you believe it?!? 3 days- that's it! I will take some pictures of some of the other started-but-not-yet-completed projects we have going on and share them with you next time!!
Oh wow---that looks great Lea Ann!! Yes I AM impressed the project is finished. LOL
I love it!! I'm glad to know I'm not the only project-starter-but-never-finisher!!! hehe
looks great!
sorry LeaAnn I think I accidently deleted your last comment on my blog. As for your question, our new living/den is across the hall from our master bedroom by the front door.
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