Friday, October 24, 2008

Didn't happen...

I'm sorry, I am having some major issues getting my pictures to load- there are over 2,400 pictures on the memory card that I used this summer. I tried last night over and over and couldn't get it to work. But- I am working on it. As soon as I get my pictures loaded- I will blog away! Have a great Friday!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I am attempting to do some major updating...

I am going to try to update all the way back to June by the end of the day today! I am having a hard time getting my pictures to upload. (I guess that's because there are 2400 pictures on one memory card!) Any way, bare with me, I am trying. I PROMISE to keep it current if I can get it updated!! Have a good day!

A glimpse of what's to come...

Travis' grandfather turned 90!
Girl's night out
Kari's Wedding
Cruise #2- New Orleans, Cozumel, and the Yucatan
Somebody's 50!
Cookies with the kids
July 4th
Another girl party
A vow renewal
Travis' birthday
Cruise #3- Miami, Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel
And I know there will be others. Check later!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A few of my favorite things...

I love is our vase from the sand ceremony in our wedding. I poured gel wax on top of it so that it would always stay the way it was made during the wedding.

I love this painting by Kim Wheeler. Thanks Rachel (and family) we LOVE it! I finally got a frame that I like for it ($12.49 half price at Michael's!!) and I have a BEAUTIFUL new shelf to display it on! The frame is black but there is some brown showing thru in some areas, I'm not sure if you can see it in this picture.

I love this picture of my Grandpa that Kyndall gave me for Christmas. I get to see him daily just as I remember him. Though it doesn't make up for him not being here- I love that this picture sits in my living room as a constant reminder of him.

Kashi I love thee... These bars are my new secret addiction..although it's not so secret anymore!

Home Project

Look what Travis built this weekend. I L-O-V-E it! I can finally display things neatly! Thank you Travis!!

Friday, October 17, 2008


What kind of updating would I be doing if I didn't post about Elbie? Here is a cute picture of her doing what she loves to do after a long day of playing...

Laying on the back of the couch in her spot.

You would never know by looking at her sweet face that she is the same dog that destroyed a paint brush soaked in black furniture stain and coated herself in black and painted our living room floor black...more on that later. I want this post to be sweet.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

This is what is keeping me away...

It seems lately that I have been so out of routine. Always busy, always tired, messy house, laudry piling up, dinner at 8 p.m, not enough sleep, unfinished projects, 534 unread emails, paid bills to be filed(atleast I am getting still getting them paid on time), calls to be returned....

Here's the reason:


That's right, this is where I spend every weekday and sometimes evenings. I hate to blame- but it's only the truth! This is where I have been hiding since July.

Dear Blog,

I promise not to let things get so behind anymore. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my new job. It was just hard to adjust to the new stress load, busier schedule and longer days. I wouldn't change a thing though! I am finally adjusting to a new schedule and I promise to no longer neglect you!


Monday, October 13, 2008

Since April

I bought three of these sticker type things at a home party in April. I FINALLY got around to making one of them! I still have a cross and another saying to put on something. They are made for walls, but I didn't want mine to be permanent! Here it is...

I put it on the front of a picture frame ($14.49 at Michael's!!) and I put some light brown fabric in the background! I must say, I really like it! Stay tuned for the next two...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A day at the circus!

Today my mom, Lauren and I went to the circus. I don't know who had the most fun!

2nd row seats for 3= $60

Elephant ride= $10 each

Popcorn, lemonade, and cotton candy= $20

Spending a day with a happy six year old= PRICELESS!